Information technology (IT) has become indispensable to various services such as medicine, transportation, administration, financing, and distribution, all of which are closely connected to our daily lives.
IT is expected not only to increase efficiency in speed and quantity in order to improve the amenities in life but also to enrich our lives by considering sensory aspects, which will enable more people to fully enjoy their lives.
Furthermore, computers and information systems that take an important part in our lives need to maintain information security objectives (confidentiality, integrity and availability).
The Department of Human-Oriented Information Systems Engineering aims to devise information systems useful for our social infrastructure and daily lives through combining computer science and human-environment technology.
For this purpose, the department studies people-friendly information systems that will enrich our lives and produces profoundly sensitive IT engineers with a high level of competence in various fields.
Students at the department will study a wide range of courses including Information Engineering, Kansei (Sensitivity) Engineering, Assistive Technology, Mathematics for Information Processing, Hardware Engineering, Software Engineering, Network Engineering, and Multimedia Engineering.
Students will also improve their technological and communication skills through a final graduate research project.
Additionally, they are given opportunities for designing information systems and software programming.
We seek to produce creative and sensitive IT engineers through the five-year undergraduate and two-year advanced course.
Academic Staff
update April, 2024
Name | Degree | Major Field |
KOMATSU Kazuo | D.Eng. | System Control Engineering, Signal Processing |
KIYOTA Kimiyasu | D.Eng. | Kansei Information Engineering |
NAWATA Toshinori | D.Eng. | Mathematical Information Engineering, Control Engineering |
SHIMAKAWA Manabu | D.Eng. | Systems Engineering, Soft Computing |
YAMAMOTO Naoki | D.Eng. | Numerical Calculation,Statistical Analysis |
KOSHI Kazuhiro | D.Eng. | Kansei Engineering, Human Information Technology |
OKUMA Chiharu | D.Sc. | Numerical Calculation, Digital Signal Processing |
Associate Professor
Name | Degree | Major Field |
AKAISHI Jin | Ph.D. | Artificial Life, Complex Network |
FUJII Kei | D.Sc. | Human Interface Technology, Speech Processing |
KANZAKI Yuichiro | D.Eng. | Software Protection |
NAKANO Mitsutaka | D.Eng. | Computer Architecture,Assistive Technology |
Professor Commission
Name | Degree | Major Field |
MURAKAMI Jun | D.Eng. | Statistical Analysis, Numerical Calculation |